
The Hidden Landmarks of Change

The Hidden Landmarks of Change - a contemporary art exhibition that focuses on our ability to constantly adapt to new conditions and the tension between hope and fear it creates. The artists are concerned in their depictions with the conclusions we draw from our experiences to future opportunities and our recurring attempt to outsmart fear in this way.

Eleny Kasemets and Kamal Sallat are visual artists, one from Estonia and the other from Syria. Both have been living and working in Berlin for many years. This show features both artists' latest paintings, drawings and installations.

In their exhibition, "The Hidden Landmarks of Change", artists Eleny Kasemets and Kamal Sallat explore the human ability to adapt to new conditions and the tension between hope and fear that this creates. Through their paintings, drawings, and installations, the artists delve into the conclusions we draw from our experiences to conduct our hopes and fears for the future, and our ongoing attempt to outsmart fear in this way.

In "The Hidden Landmarks of Change," Kasemets and Sallat invite viewers to consider the ways in which we interpret the changes that shape our lives. Through their art, they encourage us to reflect on the conflicts that arise as we struggle to adapt to new conditions and to find our way forward in the face of uncertainty.

Eleny Kasemets and Kamal Sallat are visual artists, one from Estonia and the other from Syria. Both have been living and working in Berlin for many years. This show features both artists' latest paintings, drawings and installations.